My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Spider Plant

Spider Plant


Today’s plant is the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) which is considered to be one of the most adaptable of houseplants and the easiest to grow. And I have two of these beautiful plants because they are indeed so easy to grow!

These two beautiful plants have been there since 2018 and have been growing in a wide range of conditions. They just suffer from the problem of brown tips.

I read that spider plants are prone to tip burn which can be caused by dry soil, low humidity, or a buildup of salt and chemicals that are found in our public tap water.

But otherwise these plants are so awesome and are also known as the airplane plant, St. Bernard's lily, spider ivy or ribbon plant.

Native to South Africa, spider plants are an essential part of any hanging plant collection. Even I want to hang this plant in a beautiful place as I feel I am unable to do justice to its beauty!

Right now one of my spider plant is growing in a pot but I want a hanging basket for it because of its gracefully arching leaves and stems that have jetted from the plant and carrying baby plantlets on it. Its long, narrow leaves have produced a cluster of foot-long leaves from a crown of fleshy roots! 

And it looks so heavenly that I want to hang it in a strategic place!

These spider plants are extremely popular houseplant and prefer nice bright light like a west, north or east window. Luckily, all my windows are east facing windows!

Spider plant likes a moist soil or potting mix that drains well, but it can also tolerate periods of dryness. I need to not over-water or its roots may rot.

These two spider plants are among the most adaptable houseplants and have made a statement in my window garden.

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