My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Lemongrass Plant

Lemongrass is an herb that is native to Sri Lanka and South India but now grows in many countries around the world. The plant's stalks are a common ingredient in Asian cooking, but it is also possible to brew lemongrass to make tea. But I didn’t get the lemongrass plant for any of these reasons.

Again a recent addition, I brought it home because lemongrass has a catnip-like effect on most cats.  I allow Minnie to take a friendly nibble of lemongrass, especially during her heat cycles, as is a cat-safe plant. Lemongrass isn't toxic and is attractive to cats.

This lemongrass plant, also called citronella, is my second lemongrass plant and is tall and stalky. My first lemongrass plant which I bought in July 2018 also had a fresh, lemony aroma and a citrus flavour. I bought it because when we went to Goa in May 2018 I was highly impressed by the lemongrass plants when I saw them for first time in the spice garden. I was told that lemongrass is good as an ingredient in Thai cooking and also acts as a bug repellent. 

I also bought lemongrass essential oil for my diffuser as this oil is used in aromatherapy to freshen the air, reduce stress, and uplift the mood.

A lemongrass is also known as cymbopogon, barbed wire grass, silky heads, Cochin grass, Malabar grass, oily heads or fever grass, and are perennial plants with thin, long leaves that are indigenous to many Asian countries.

But somehow I am allergic to a lemongrass plant. It’s truly a barbed wire grass – whenever it gets rubbed on my hands while watering it, my skin starts itching and turns red. That’s why I stand guilty of allowing the first lemongrass plant to dry up by placing it near the air conditioner duct. Lord please forgive me for this but I brought home the second lemongrass plant for Minnie as it is cat friendly! But now even though I take a lot of care while watering this plant, sometimes my hands accidently get touched and they itch and turn red! But it will remain in my garden for Minnie’s sake!

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