My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Friday, May 8, 2020

Bougainvillea & Rangoon Creeper

Bougainvillea & Rangoon Creeper


Last night I suddenly remembered about the few plants that were there in our quarter in Bhilai. When we left Bhilai in 1988, we used to live in the officers’ quarters in Sector 5. It had huge space – both at the back and the front! The backyard was totally barren but there were few plants and trees in the front. Needless to say, I was extremely fond of them and watered them every evening.


So the two plants which I want to write about today are bougainvillea and Rangoon Creeper!


While I was reminiscing about these two plants, I could instantly remember Bougainvillea but I had lots of problem trying to recall the name of Rangoon creeper. I just didn’t know what it was called – though I was so young at that time I could recall its looks – the plant looked so beautiful with its ornamental cascading vine and fragrant flowers! The white, pink and sometimes red flower clusters used to grow so fast!


As the Rangoon Creeper is a vigorous twining tropical climber it had got entwined with the Bougainvillea plant that was growing next to it. Both the plants had taken the support of our hallroom window where I used to sit to admire their flowers that grew profusely throughout the year.


Both the Rangoon Creeper and the Bougainvillea were flowering machines – they had an explosion of colours throughout the year!


Though I loved the Bougainvillea for its versatility and vibrant colour, I didn’t like its nail-like thorns!


Now I know why these two plants were growing effortlessly so well. Bougainvillea, belonging to the four-o'clock family (Nyctaginaceae),  is a sun-lover and blooms the best when kept in a heated environment. It has huge roots and doesn't like to have them disturbed. Same for the Rangoon Creeper -- native to tropical Asia, these shrubs are perennial in nature and require low care! That’s why these two plants did so well in our neglected garden.


Bougainvillea need very bright light and do well under high shade or in full sun. These vines typically lose some leaves for a short time during the winter and the "flowers" are actually modified leaves, called bracts that are long-lasting and bright. It is one of several desert plants that flower many times throughout the year.


The Rangoon Creeper or Combretum indicum, is also known by many other names like Chinese honeysuckle, Akar Dani, Drunken Sailor, Irangan Malli, Udani and Madhumalti.


But what’s in a name? Both the Rangoon Creeper and the Bougainvillea were instrumental in making my childhood colourful by adding beauty to our otherwise lifeless garden! As it is I am extremely sentimental about my life in Bhilai and these two plants are making me more sentimental!

So I want to grow these two in my garden! After the lockdown, I will try to get these two plants!

But hey, wait a minute! I did have Bougainvillea at home many years back but sad to write that I killed it!☹️

Lord, please give me another chance!🙏🏼 I will be a better Plant Momma now!


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