My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

John 20:11-18

Dear DLL Jesus,

Today's gospel again mentions Mary Magdalene!

This time she's the one who has reached your tomb first thing on that First Easter morning!

The few words that are making my heart go weak are taken from the verses 16 and 17.

Verse 16: Jesus said, 'Mary!' She turned round then and said to him in Hebrew, 'Rabbuni!' 

Verse 17: Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to me........

How lovely are these verses!🤗

Mary Magdalene loved you so much that despite all odds, she is the first one to reach your tomb! Though she didn't recognize you, she recognised your voice! The way you called out to her! She immediately responded to that! She instantly recognized your voice calling out her name! Such was her love for you! She was so happy to hear your voice! 

She was so happy to see you that she wanted to come close to you, touch you, see you with loving eyes! She wanted to cling to you! But you broke her heart by asking her not to cling to you!!! Why Lord? Why couldn't she cling to you? She loved you so very much!

Why Lord, why can't Magdalene cling to her Jesus? Magdalene loved her Jesus so very much! I am sure you, Jesus, must have also loved your Magdalene with equal fervour! My heart is breaking at this point!😢 Why is that Magdalene can't cling to her Jesus? Why can't Magdalene and Jesus be together? Why Jesus asked Magdalene not to cling to him? Why? Why? Why?☹️☹️☹️

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