My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Unforgettable 9th January

Yesterday, an extremely unforgettable spiritual incident happened in the church. As an altar girl, Googaa had to serve the 7pm holy mass. Since she was serving, I also carried my sash with me thinking if need be, I too will distribute the Holy Communion. Since there was already the adequate number of Eucharist ministers, I thought that I will not be able to distribute and I was totally fine about it. But Providence had something very beautiful in store – and what happened during the Communion is something I had not thought of in my wildest dreams – at least for yesterday.

I not only got an opportunity to distribute the Eucharist, but Googaa instead of following the priest with her paten (the plate used to hold the bread during the Eucharist) followed me!!! Just imagine – here I was distributing the Communion and on my right was Googaa, holding the paten in her right hand and her left hand was over her breast. What a beautiful sight to behold…a mother distributing the Communion and daughter holding the paten for her…the Lord gave us such a beautiful opportunity together. But unfortunately, this beautiful moment couldn’t be photographed. Nevertheless, it will forever be etched in my mind’s camera and the date 9th January, 2013 will forever be remembered by me.

The Lord might repeat this beautiful act again sometime in the future, but the first-time experience and feeling of yesterday’s spiritual moment together will always be cherished by both of us.

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