My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Friday, March 27, 2020

Let not the Eucharist stop

When I first wrote this, the Corona virus fear was spreading faster than the virus itself and people were simply panicking and forgetting that Lord you exist! They have forgotten that there cannot be any fear where you are there! I am amazed at how people are simply creating fear by forwarding messages on WhatsApp and making the situation worse than it actually could be!

I feel it is a modern way of terrorism - they are so done with bomb blasts that they are creating fear through diseases now!☹️

But Lord I don't want to be scared of the situation because I know you are always protecting us! You are a protective shield on us!

My only request to you is that let not the Masses stop. In so many places they have stopped celebrating the Masses - it should not happen here also!🙏🏼

The world needs prayers, the world needs you! When will they understand this? Let not the enemy win! Lord, please take control of the situation! Please forgive the sins of your people! You had changed your mind when Abraham had pleaded to you for the sake of ten righteous people! Will you not change your mind now Lord? I know I am not righteous but there must be someone righteous in your eyes! For that one person's sake Lord I implore you to take control of the world and not allow the enemy to win to stop the Masses!

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