My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

18th December

Today is 18th December. This day has a special place in my heart. It was on this  day, twelve years ago, that I had received the Good News of Jemimah, my first born. It was on this day that the angel Gabriel of my life had proclaimed the good news that little Jemimah will be born to me in August. How happy I was on that day. How happy I am today.

There has been so many upheavals in our life but I still sentimentally remember this day every year. We had nothing but since the day Jemimah is born, we haven't looked back in life. We have just moved on. Alone - at that time, the three of us and now, the four of us. Nothing much has changed. There has been no help for us from anywhere. The four of us have just trughed alone in life.

So I am very sentimental about 18th December. Old memories are just flashing on in my mind. Some good, some bad and some ugly memories. But the happiness of conceiving Jemimah which I had felt that day still remains incomparable. Its a feeling which only a mother can understand.

Though I am not the most perfect being, I am working hard to become one. I fail most of the times but still I keep trying. I need to emulate Mother Mary who is the perfect role model of a loving mother.

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