My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jesus opened the door for me

Jesus opens the door to our hearts, Jesus opens the door of new life for sinners, Jesus has opened the door of salvation to every person, Jesus unlocks the door of our understanding – but today Jesus opened the door of my bathroom!

While taking bath this morning, I just don’t know how the bathroom door got latched from outside. After my bath, when I wanted to come out of the bathroom, I just couldn’t open the door. To my utter dismay, it was latched from outside and I was the only one at home at that time. The kids had gone to school and even Golu had left for work. I was extremely scared at the thought of remaining locked inside the bathroom till evening.

Then I asked Jesus to help me break open the door. I kept praying to Him and knocking on the door so that the latch on the outside could give way. I kept doing this for almost 10 minutes. Twice or thrice I called out the name of my neighbor but obviously she didn’t hear me. I was feeling totally helpless and miserable. But I kept taking the name of Jesus and kept hammering on the door.

Suddenly the door opened and I felt that Jesus had opened the door of heaven for me. I am very, very sure it was Jesus who opened the door for me in the morning. And I am extremely thankful to Jesus for rescuing me. Love you Jesus, praise you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!

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