My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Friday, March 9, 2012

Forgiveness —the key to healing!

“Christians are to have a heart of forgiveness, such as Christ displayed upon the cross” (Luke 23:24)

A central belief in inner healing is that we are the way we are because of past hurts that need to be forgiven. According to Wikipedia, forgiveness is typically defined as the process of concluding resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution.

According to a health website, forgiveness and letting go can lead one down the path of healing and peace. PSYCHOLOGICAL TODAY says: mustering up genuine compassion for those who have wronged us, instead of allowing anger toward them to eat away at us, is the course of action recommended by most psychologists.

But I guess forgiveness is difficult. Forgiving someone for a hurt is not that easy; a desire for revenge comes much more naturally though I am genuinely trying and in my heart I have already asked for forgiveness from my immediate family members. I have to offer and receive forgiveness otherwise all my efforts of leading a painless life will be useless.

As William Blake says “the glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness” likewise, the Bible instructs us to forgive as the Lord forgave us. Forgiveness is a huge subject and certainly one in which the Bible is not silent. Every Christian knows that Jesus instructed us that forgiveness should have no limits. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks of the importance of Christians forgiving or showing mercy towards others. Jesus is asked how many times one should forgive and He said 70 times 7. The Bible forgiveness starts with God, the ultimate Forgiver. God is love and without love, the Bible forgiveness is impossible for us to achieve on our own.

Forgiveness may or may not lead to reconciliation. Forgiveness is not a thin surface patch on a relationship, but an inner change of heart toward the offender. Forgiveness is the biggest blessing to mankind from God.

While I ask for forgiveness from everyone; I also want others to forgive me – right from my conception till date – I want to forgive everyone because unconditional forgiveness is a decision, a definite act of the will and not just a feeling. I want to step out in faith and make the decision to forgive so that Christ too forgives me!!!

The following steps summarize what we need to do to forgive:
• Pray to the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance.
• Make a commitment to God that we are forgiving the offender.
• Make a decision that we will never ever bring up the subject of the offence again, make this commitment to God.
• Make the decision to pray for the offender.

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