My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Pothos Plants

Today's plant is the pothos!

I had saved the best for the last - this means today's plant post is the last plant to be written about!

And I write about the pothos plants that I have.

Basic pothos care is very easy. These plants enjoy a wide range of environments. They do well in bright indirect light as well as low light.

A pothos is arguably the easiest of all houseplants to grow, even if you are a person who forgets to water your plants. But my problem is that I always overwater my plants.

These plants have a multitude of common names including golden pothos, Ceylon creeper, hunter's robe, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, Solomon Islands ivy, etc.

Also called devil's ivy, pothos can be grown in hanging baskets or as a potted plant on a desk. They are excellent at helping to purify the air.

Pothos or the money plant, as famously known in India is one of the easiest to grow plant in India.

Epipremnum aureum, or Pothos, is a tropical aroid vine in the family Araceae and native to French Polynesia.

Golden pothos, also known as devil's ivy, is the easiest indoor plant to care for because it can withstand infrequent watering and low light.

These plants have shiny, heart-shaped leaves that often have gold, white, or yellow variegation. 

These plants have added a lovely and gracious appearance to my window garden!

 I have two of mine pothos plants in  ceramic pots.


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