My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Wilderness Experience

Dear DLL Jesus,

I have also been thinking about the 30 years of Wilderness Experience that I went through before encountering my Carmel Peace. Just like the Israelites who went through the wilderness experience for 40 years, I too went through it. But I still don't know the exact reason for this.

Lord, was it you that I had to love immensely? Do you feel I could not have loved you so deeply without going through these years in the utter wilderness? Do you feel if my life had taken a different course I would not have been as blessed and as pampered as I am now? Lord, did you give me what I most needed in my life rather than what I most desired? This is the only logical answer that I can think of - you gave me what I needed the most!!!

But then what is the logical answer for encountering my Carmel Peace now at this juncture of my life? Is this what I need the most right now in my life? After wandering in the wilderness for 30 years, am I supposed to stop now and rest in Carmel Peace? And wander no more?

This is the only logical answer I can think of - both have been given to me at that particular juncture of my life when I needed them the most - the wilderness experience and Carmel Peace - the two most important aspects on which my life has been designed by you!

But this is my human thinking 💭 and I have no idea about your divine thinking 💭 because human thinking is foolish against your divine thinking 💭 

PS: Today is the day, one month ago, the much-cherished 3-day classes on Divine Office had begun!!!

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