Dear DLL Jesus,
In the loving memory of Motu, I did a lot of constructive work today - for both the magazines - Jewellers Gallery as well as Nainen - the woman. The March edition of NAINEN is ready except for the table of content - I managed to get 46 pages for this edition even though I had given up hope and stopped chasing content. So this is nothing but a sheer miracle by you to carry on with my magazine. I can't thank you enough, my Lord.
I hope you create a miracle in my heart also so that it forgets about the debacle of the past 9 months - how I wish to go through a memory loss to live a cheerful life. Will my life be the same again? On the contrary, I think I don't want it to be that way because something eviler could befall me. So I thank you for my present state of mind and heart - thank you for what I am going through as I don't want to fall into anything unknown and ruin myself.
After all, have I not made enough mistakes in my life? I don't want to make the same mistakes and go through the same stupidities again. This is the best - my quest for the best - my promised land - is here. I am in my promised land and so, let me enjoy the beauty of my promised land and not wander off in the dark wilderness all over again.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, my Lord and my God - you saved the best for the last!🤗 If you had to show me the best in the beginning I am sure to have rejected it for worldly charm and warmth - after all, was I not influenced by the glitter of Bollywood? Always comparing. Now I know why you did not show me my promised land then - I would have rejected the rustic simplicity - I could not recognize the beauty of the uncut rough natural diamond amid the false glitter of the polished conflict diamonds! I needed a new perspective in life to appreciate the magnificence of the diamond. And I fully appreciate it now!!!🤗 And I thank you for my beautiful diamond💎 - the peace of my heart ❤️
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