My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Sunday, March 19, 2023

One month back.......

.......I was travelling back from Mangalore with tears in my eyes!😥 The tears fell more and more when I crossed all the familiar places that I had so joyously entered only a week back.😥 I must have cried till the train entered Madgaon.

While writing this suddenly I am reminded of Palm Sunday morning when you were entering Jerusalem on the colt and the people were welcoming you with palm leaves and singing Hossana! They were so happy to see you. While entering Karnataka even I was very happy and my heart was rejoicing.

But while coming back the very next Sunday afternoon I was in tears. It was the good Friday of my life. The entire doctrine of St. John of the Cross had gone for a toss. I was worse than ever. I was leaving behind a little more piece of my heart at Mangalore. This piece of my heart yearned for that Carmel Peace which I thought I managed to have buried in the doctrine of St. John of the Cross. But I was wrong - the more I got away from Mangalore, the more my heart cried. My heart has been crying since the last year - from the time I first experienced my Carmel Peace in May 2022 in Bangalore. It was this Carmel Peace that I had yearned for all my life.😥

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