Dear DLL Jesus,
These are the verses from the responsorial psalm that have touched my heart today since the time I heard it during the Mass. Then the opening lines of the communion hymn were also these so they managed to touch me all the more. Thus while walking back home from the church I was humming these verses and contemplating them. My contemplative prayer to you made me realize that in vain am I praying for this friendship. It made me realize that if it was such a worldly friendship that was required, no one would have left the pleasures of the world to seek friendship with you. It is your friendship that is of utmost importance and so I should not yearn for any other kind of friendship. I contemplated that I too should learn how to give up the pleasures of the world and seek only your friendship. I should not be a hindrance to your little ones in their friendship with you. Thus I prayed to be kept away from these little ones and these little ones from me as I am also a little one of yours. So Lord please help this little one of yours to be away from the snares of the world and seek refuge and friendship only with you. When I asked how to do this, you made me realize that with prayer everything is possible. So Lord, with a determined determination like St. Teresa of Avila, on this first Friday of the month and Friday of Lent, let me be your faithful friend. My today's intention is not to be a hindrance to any of your little ones no matter who they are - let me not be the cause of anyone's hindrance. I pray that I too can stay away from all hindrances and pray unceasingly for all the little ones to not falter in their friendship with you. Let us all empty ourselves and live in nothingness like our Father St. John of the Cross.
My walks back home are turning out to be contemplative ones wherein I am reflecting on the verses and humming the hymns I hear during the Mass. No wonder then there is Great Silence in Carmel from the Compline till breakfast when one is urged to be quiet. Even at Ryshivana, we were asked to be quiet during breakfast and speak only to the Lord. How wonderful are these primitive rules, Lord! The silence in the heart works wonders for the soul - indeed how refreshing! How carefully all these rules have been written and are adhered to.
Today I completed one week of saying the Lauds in the church and then attending the Mass after that. It feels heavenly as I see the long-cherished desire of my heart getting fulfilled each day.😇 Thank you so much my darling Jesus!😍 Nothing but gratitude!🙏
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