My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Open Your Eyes To My Supplication!

As this servant of yours dear DLL Jesus has decided to pray for all your people, the Carmelites all over the world, who are your heritage!🙏 As the president of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity community, I will be praying for all the Carmelites during this Lenten season - this will be my penance for this year - pray unceasingly for your people, your heritage! Let your eyes be open to the supplication of your servant!🙏

I also want to write that from today I have started my attempt to say the Lauds in the church even though I could reach only during the Benedictus. That's because today I had to go with hubby and he gave me a lift to the church on his way to the airport. He's travelling to Delhi for work. But I attended the 6:15 am Holy Mass full and came back home walking. So I did not spend any money today.🤗

Let your will be done from tomorrow onwards - let me be able to say the Lauds in the church and attend the 6:15 am Holy Mass like the good old pre-Covid days when Googaa used to go to the college and I to the morning Eucharist.😇

Again I say Lord, let your will be done!

PS: I said the Lauds again at home as I had reached the church in the middle of the Benedictus.👏

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