You Can Make A Difference, the best-selling book by Fr Alfonso Elengikal, has crossed the magic figure of 50, 000 copies and is still continuing to sell. The book, first published in September 2004, with a Forward by Mrs Grace Pinto, Managing Director, Ryan International Group of Institutions became a best seller in one year with 20,000 copies sold out in five consecutive editions. The 9th edition, released in August last year was sold out in less than 6 months. The next edition of 5000 copies is expected to reach leading book centres in the country any time now.
The book is the fruit of the vast experience of Fr Alfonso Elengikal, a priest of the Society of St Paul, who was the editor of the popular national youth magazine, The Teenager, for nealy 17 years. The Teenager, published by Better Yourself Books from Bandra is the oldest surviving youth magazine in the country and has entered its Golden Jubilee year of publication in November, last year. Citing the examples of well-known and lesser-known personalities from all walks of life, Fr Alfonso challenges the readers of his book to dream big – reaffirming the truth that each one of us has within himself/herself the power to bring about a transformation within and around us, and make a difference!
Mrs Grace Pinto in her forward to the book writes, “The book will inspire every reader to discover the hidden energy, to magnify the self, and to multiply ways in which she/he can make a difference. The author reinforces that life is God’s precious gift to us, and what we make of life is our gift to God. Through the pages of his book, Fr Alfonso invites his readers to support secularism, to fight communalism, to celebrate women and treat them with dignity, to say no to corruption and to be patriotic. I wish him all success in his mission.”
Young and dynamic Pearl D’Souza from Orlem, Malad , who has read You Can Make A Difference thoroughly, writes in her Preface to the book: “Every reader of the book, whether student, teacher or parent, especially the youth, will find in the book something to think about, to act upon, to find fulfillment and make a difference. The book with its inspirational messages and stories of courage and will-power will definitely plant in the heart of the reader the desire to transform his/her emotions and dreams into reality. Hearty congratulations, Fr Alfonso!”
Fr Alfonso first came to Bombay in 1975, to be part of the editorial team of the now defunct Home Life, a premier monthly magazine, published by St Pauls from Bandra for about 12 years. In addition to his priestly and journalistic responsibilities he has, ever since, been actively involved in initiatives like Clean Bandra Campaign, All Religion Meet, Mohalla Committees, etc. The Teen of the Year, an annual youth pageant which he began in 1996, brings every year to Bandra, dozens of teenagers from across the country to participate in the final event held in November. Fr Alfonso also contributes regularly to many religious and secular publications with national circulation. Presently, he handles the P. R. activities of St Paul's, all over the country.
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