Today is Ash Wednesday – the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Details on http://www.nyfaithformation.org/resources/catechism/lent/
This is the day a cross of ashes is imposed on a worshipper’s forehead. This ancient custom reminds us of our own mortality and coming judgment (‘remember you are dust and to dust you shall return’) and therefore encourages us to take stock of our lives, to be grateful for all that is good, and with God’s help to amend what is wrong. This year, Ash Wednesday is on February 13, 2013, which marks the beginning of the Lenten fast for 40 days (not including Sundays). The time has now come in the Church year for the somber observance of the great central act of history, the redemption of the human race by our Lord Jesus Christ.
A tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday actually falls forty six days before Easter and for me, it’s the best time of the year to experience space for meditation and prayer. Hoping to enter into the heart of Lent by reflection as Ash Wednesday is also considered as the Quiet Day, offering time for silence in community, a sacred space for opening to the Spirit.
Today I will be observing the Daniel Fast. I have decided to observe this on all Fridays during Lent and also on Good Friday. Traditionally, the Daniel Fast requires a 21-day fasting period but since I will not be able to do so, I will keep it on all Fridays.
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