We attended the online Good Friday service at 6 PM! It got over by 7:05 PM!☹️
Today I am really missing you sacramentally!☹️ Since 21st March we have been receiving you spiritually but today I actually missed you! Unlike good old days, when so much time would be spent during the Veneration of the Cross and Holy communion, today everything got over within seconds!☹️
Since the time I became an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, I would have to wait for both the Services! I would sit away from the family and they would come and join me afterwards! But today nothing such happened!😔
I also realized how much of love offerings the church must be missing out! From where will they get the money? Even we. From where will we get the money once the savings start dwindling?
But Lord you are the provider! I am sure you will work out something wonderful as always!🙏🏻
PS: But something was really wonderful about this Service! And that wonderful something were your Holy Ones😍 All seven of them!
Since 21st March they have been faithfully live streaming all the Eucharistic Celebrations! Fr Lancy has been the most wonderful choir singer but today even Fr Lawrence sang the responsorial Psalm so beautifully! It was so soothing to the ears! I didn't know he was such a wonderful singer! Once I had heard him sing during a Friday evening adoration but I had forgotten about it! I remembered this today after hearing him!
Lord, bless all your Holy Ones for all that they are doing for us!🙏🏻
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