My Daughters

My Daughters
my cute daughters

Friday, March 9, 2012

Inner Healing

On 4th March I bought a book from the church – “Hidden Springs to Healing” by Sister Mary Usha. I just finished reading it and I realized that “forgiveness” towards everyone is the key to inner healing. The answer to all my aches and pains and emotional turmoil is inner healing or the healing of memories—a process dependent on reconciliation, forgiveness and prayerful discernment through which Jesus Christ brings His healing and peace.

I so much want to attend Sister Usha’s retreat on inner healing but sadly it’s always stretched over a period of five days and I don’t know from where to get these five days.

Inner healing is also known as healing of memories or healing for damaged emotions. In the inner healing process, the struggles in our present life are found to be rooted in early experiences in our childhood. Studies show that a baby in-utero knows whether it is wanted or not, even recognizing the voice of its parents. I know my problem lies here because way back in 1999 my father had blurted out in anger that my mother had never wanted me and I was wounded; this is known as in-utero wounding.

Thomas Verney in his book “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child” confirms that there is active life in the womb. His research indicates:
• Unborn babies hear, taste, feel and learn in the womb.
• Womb experiences shape a child’s attitude and expectations about himself.
• Deep persistent patterns of feelings in the mother affect the unborn child.
• A father’s feelings about his wife and the unborn child also affect the pregnancy.
• If the womb is friendly, a baby may be predisposed to good health, happiness and normal development; if the womb is unfriendly, the baby may be predisposed to ill health, nervousness, irritability, and arrested development

For this, parents may give abundant affection to their offspring and it may be sufficient to cover the wounding. I am glad that the “womb experience” of both my daughters was friendly!!!

But in my case, it will take the light of Christ to reach deep within my heart to bring light into the darkness of sin and wounded feeling. In that light is truth to counteract the lies I accepted, forgiveness for self and others, spiritual and emotional healing that will close the wounded feeling.

I said, Lord, be merciful and gracious to me, heal my inner self, for I have sinned against You. Psalm 41:4

He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds (curing their pains and their sorrows.) Psalm 146:3

He who believes in Me (who cleaves to and trust in and relies on Me) as the Scripture said, From his innermost being shall flow (continuously) springs and rivers of living water. John 7:38

Though my healing will occur over time, I am glad that I have at least begun to realize that I need to be freed from what I have been held captive. Though the healing will not change the hurtful things that have happened to me, it will definitely allow God to heal my wounded spirit.

So like I said, I want to undergo an inner healing in me. Jesus who loves unconditionally is imagined into our past in order to heal our childhood wounds. In the process of inner healing, Jesus uncovers those painful memories piece by piece and our inner heart is healed through His power.

I already feel that all this reading has brought about a personal transformation and miniscule healing in me. I believe praying the rosary for inner healing has real effects in many ways, but most of all it is bringing an inner peace.

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