Today is the solemnity of my favourite St. John of the Cross.
To prepare for the week-long course on his doctrine, I have started reading his collected works. I am making notes of all that I feel is important. I want to inculcate some of those qualities in me.
1) He made his corrections with much gentleness and charity and always saw to it that the one being corrected would not leave his presence sad.
2) Another characteristic of his wonderfully gracious manners was his custom of asking his subjects for their opinions on various matters or problems which arose.
3) He said to someone: "flee from creatures and hide yourself in God."
Similarly, there are some aspects of his love life for Jesus that I have found similar to mine and thus the love that I have for him gets intensified - my feelings for Jesus are so similar to his feelings - I can actually feel it because I have experienced those feelings!!!!
1) Conjoined to his esteem for the Sacraments and the liturgical prayer of the church was his love for the liturgical seasons. They were something more than just a commemoration - they were the occasion of a veritable interior transformation in the spirit of the mystery being celebrated. I have similar feelings because the 2011 Lenten season brought a great transformation in my life!
2) At Christmas time above all he felt his heart enkindled with love for the Child Jesus. I too undergo similar feelings but somehow could not express them before. Now I know it's not only me - even a great mystic and Doctor of the church has felt similar feelings.🤗 Once he grasped the statue of the Infant Jesus in his arms and began to dance with joy - I too dance with joy during Christmas - albeit the statue of Infant Jesus because I always thought that it would be indecent and humiliating for the Infant Jesus if I grasped his statue to dance! But now I know it won't be indecent - St. John of the Cross has already done it!🤗
4) At Passiontide one could notice the pain he felt - oh my Jesus, I remember the number of tears that had flowed from my eyes during the passion narration on this (2022) Good Friday!😥 I cried so much and I can't forget the pain I felt - I can't forget my yellow handkerchief with which I was wiping my tears! Something was happening to me during this year's Good Friday's passion narrative!😥
Other aspects about him that I like:
1) His deepest concern was for those who in their spiritual life were suffering. The needs of souls undergoing interior trials prompted him to write THE ASCENT OF MOUNT CARMEL and THE DARK NIGHT.
2) The Bible was the book he cherished most of all. I too cherish the Bible. He loved to withdraw to hidden parts of the monastery with his Bible. I wish I too could withdraw to any hidden part of my home with my Bible - in Vasai I had the cozy corner on the terrace, next to the water tank. But now I don't have anything like that.
3) His nearness to God filled him with confidence and remarkably freed him from all worry and anxiety - there are no two ways about it - I feel exactly the same!🙏
4) Last but not least he taught that trust in God should be great and that even if the whole world were to collapse and come to an end, one should not become disturbed!🙏 So be it, Lord, let nothing disturb me, because I trust in you!!!🙏